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Pronunciation(and meaning): yamaikusuri, but can be pronounced any other way(sick medicine)
Gender: male
Age: 18
Height: 180cm/5.9ft
Weight: 60kg/132lb
Birthday: June 17th
Personality: Assertive
Likes: Sweets, photography, tinkering
Dislikes: Dirty, unkempt place and people, flowers


Often seen with a crow-like entity by his side.

Works as part time journalist at a publishing firm while studying medicine. The contents consists of strange anecdotes and sightings of the occults.

Not personable, but surprisingly has great people skills.

The concept of medicine, in the form of a human.

A sibling of Oneki

Voicebank download
normal_3 scale VCV
Comment: low range reccommended. Some of the G#3 audio files are a little clipped, please change the alias as needed. It's also fine to remove it from
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