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When using voicebanks, please be sure to clearly indicate the name of the voicebank in an easily identifiable place
If you have any questions not mentioned in the TOS, please contact me in advance.
Please check for the latest version of the TOS, as they are updated irregularly.

Use of the voicebanks constitutes acceptance of the following items:

·You warrant that you will abide by these Terms of Use.

·You agree to comply with any request from the Creator to cease use of the voicebanks.

*Fanwork tag is #θ檔案室


·Processing/altering/editing voicebanks within the scope of personal use
·Publication of derivative/fan works on the Internet

·Pairing up with other characters(no blatant romantic display)

·NSFL depictions(light gore・violence・death)

·Changes to the appearance including clothes, age, gender, non-humanification.

!Requires contact

·Distribution of modified Oto settings and frequency tables

·Profit-less fan work activities and goods production(cosplay, prints, acrylic stands, keychains and such)

· Profit fan work activities and goods production

·Unauthorized repost or use of illustrations, videos, covers, USTs, etc (profile pictures, banners, etc.)

·Use of standing picture and/or icon included in the voicebank folder for any purpose other than cover song videos.

·Extreme modifications to how the voicebank sounds(like using g flags over the value of 5)

·Using it for anything related to AI

·Distribution of voicebanks
·Using a voicebank as the voice of another character, such as the voice of your OC.
·Impersonating voicebank characters such as becoming a Vtuber

·NSFW/R-18 depictions(genital exposure・depictions of sexual acts)

·Shipping characters/explicit expression of romantic relationship(kissing・being in love,etc)

·Use for religious and/or political propaganda

·The rights to all voicebanks, characters, standing pictures, and illustrations distributed on this site belong to the creator of this site, “避光瘟室”(hksickroom)
·Please obtain permission from the creator of the content before using the content of other people's derivative works.
·Physical descriptions such as height and weight are just for reference, you can arrange or change it as you see fit.

*It is allowed if the changes are not ill-intentioned(do not reassign gender/race/age, etc)

*I don't like lewd and suggestive depictions in general

Please refrain from such if you can.

*Please avoid extreme depictions

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